Sunday, January 27, 2013

growing up poor in mississippi

 since January is national poverty awareness month.i decided to tell my tell.i can say it was the most scaring thing,and what gave me the strength i have mom and dad both dad was a chief welder at a steel plant.he was proud,so was i.we were not rich,but no where near poor.then,one day we went to pick him up from work.only to be told he was in the hospital.they never told us what happened.we went there   and they told us he would probably be dead by morning.but he lived.we found out a jack hole came to work drunk.he flipped the wrong switch and my dad trying to save another guy,got caught between two steel beams.the result.he had internal injuries,crushed spine,pelvis,spleen..the damn plant fired him when he did not show up for work the next work day.yeah,you heard me,they fired him for not being at work even though he left from there in an ambulance and unconscious there we mom`s job paid next to nothing.then my dad`s insurance quit paying.then,we were kicked out.we found another house,but then,my mom was laid off.we could not pay rent.we barely had money for lights and water.i ate out of a dumpster.i became an outcast.the treated my family as though we had committed a dad did not drink,my mom did not drink.and neither were on drugs.but ,that is the way people thought.i usually ate one meal at school,came home,did homework,and off to bed.i never had a birthday party after the age of 8.i never had a Christmas after 8.during summer breaks,i would only eat one meal.i had no friends .the house was cold during winter.i stayed mom got a job,but little pay.then,after 4 years,the insurance and the company settled,or we did.we were starved into a settlement.we got next to nothing.after medical.and we owed everyone dad could no longer then came the fight for his disability.another 4 year battle.during which i had a accident.and because my family had no insurance,they did the old in and out.the accident has left me disabled.but,i guess them making a dollar was more important.i will not say it was all bad.i learned a strength that most will never know.i learned happiness is not in what you own.but ,i also learned the cruel coldness of people.and i learned just because someone says they are christian,does not mean they are.i am haunted by a dream that never came many said i was the smartest kid they had ever teached .but ,what good did it do.i never had a chance.

Friday, January 18, 2013

the rise of terrorism

 the cold war can almost be looked back with a certain nostalgia.the world was controlled by the fact the U.S or U.S.S.R would tell others to stop and they would.but after the fall of the soviet union,look.we now have a much more unstable world.and the rise of terrorist.Russia never liked never sponsored it.but,this is now norm.osama ben laden ,al queda,Hezbollah.we all know them.but they are not liked as much as we in the west think.the people in the west bank do not like  Hezbollah,they hate them.every time Hezbollah decides it wants to attack isreal,the people in the west bank pay for it.Hezbollah is a dictatorship in the worst possible way.they kill their own people , terrorize there own people.and the people of the west bank can not do anything to stop them.and if anyone go to stop them,Hezbollah hides among the people of the west bank.
  then there is al queda.for years osama ranted against America.then he attacked America on 9/11.but what he did caused the death of thousands.and he caused the destruction of two Islamic nations.but like Hezbollah,he had the nerve to claim he somehow won.of,course,he knew he was never in any real danger.he had money,he could get away.he had a personal army to protect him.but even with help from people i certain governments,he ended up dead.they want to be seen as heroic fighters.i can not see them that way.he hid himself away while telling others to kill themselves.he was a coward.any one can hide and say we should do this.but,i respect leaders who put themselves in danger.terrorist leaders have really never done this.they a more less like cartels.the leaders,overlaid in money hide away where they will more likely be unhurt,tell whatever person they can get to do something they will be remembered,they get killed,or put away.but the leaders,they do not care.and that's why,they end up dead.because the only real change comes when people want it.not individuals.not ex-princes like osama.not street gangs like Hezbollah who are funded by people in foreign nations.the people who live in those nations must want it.terrorist we fade away.and will be remembered as cold blooded mass murderers.

Monday, January 14, 2013

a true look about u.s history

 I decided to take a real and unbiased look.and what i found is disturbing.we have become an almost socialist nation.between the office of homeland security having the right to break my constitutional right to privacy .and the right to intrude in my talks,life.the government spends almost as much on breaking my rights as it does invading other countries.and how?by blowing the threat of a terrorist  attack into infinite proportions.we now find it ok that we are stripped in public at airports,our e-mails are read,all our phone calls are intercepted.George Washington would call for armed opposition.Benjamin Franklin would call for revolution.but,we sit here and think we are safe.nothing that homeland security does is really making us any safer.
  What is worse,one could make a direct comparison of the U.S with the fictional empire of star wars.we have gotten to where the value of our money,is no longer relevant.what is relevant,is the threat we will invade.we know are actively building up to fight with France in Malta.we are trying to get Iran.but,we are also slowly heading for a clash with china. the united states with bush abandoned inter nation law.and kidnaps foreign nationals.any other nation did this,we would invade them.what is up?i never though my country had become the evil empire.but,with what our government keeping its own kgb  watching us,and its ss keeping people from telling about war crimes committed.what has happened?
 So,we are at a crossroad will we become the empire,or will we step back and say enough?and return civilian civil rights,and international laws.we must stop getting involved in so called insurrections.we need to quit using our 700 drones to kill people and saying that its ok when they miss and kill innocent people.where does it end?in the star wars movies,a democratic society gave up all their rights with a thunderous that what has happened.and are we now on the road to becoming the evil all consuming empire?we need to step back,and take a long look at ourselves.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

A dream lost

 Franklin Roosevelt,Gorbachev,both dreamed of a world free of war.however, both of them lived to see it seems the powers that be love the idea of war.and this is true.look at it this in the U.S. we have a large military industrial complex.and members of congress who have these bases want to keep them.these bases bring in huge amounts of money to their cities, there is a big incentive to keep them.but,we are no longer threatened by any real threat.Gorbachev, realized the U.S.S.R was spending to much of its resources on a military that consumed to,he withdrew from foreign countries.the U.S even after this monumental occurrence,kept spending,and even increased its military.i was extremely sad when Gorbachev tried and failed to get then president Regan to commit to not reduction,but the total annihilation of the nuclear threat that hung over the world.just think,a world without nuclear weapons.
    After the break up of the Soviet Union,the United States foolishly began trooping around the world invading nations.the once benign country many people around the world looked up and dream about became in a lot of ways a imperial invaded Grenada,panama,Somalia,serba,Iran,Afghanistan.And whats worse,when osama ben laden attacked the U.S on 9/11 instead of allowing nations such as Russia to help,which might have went a long way to heal their damaged relations,they brushed them off.and went straight into a blind bare aggression.bush put it bluntly you are either with us or against us.imagine what nations must have thought.he then,justifiable to many went after osama in Afghanistan.but,he then,to the horror of most of the world,invaded Iraq.this,caused the somewhat warming towards the U.S to ice over.the short sightedness of bush,and his ,messiah attitude did more than any other president to hurt Americas standing in the world.he also in the end,did just what osama wanted,he proved the u.s to be an aggressive nation.bush went into a darkness,breaking international law by allowing torture,and unashamedly using all out brute force.
   Obama election was seen here and the rest of the world as America snapping out of its rage,but Obama has yet to close Guantanamo.and until recently,has yet to pull out of Afghanistan.bush  idea of a war on terror in theory could go on forever.i hope,and pray Obama has the back bone to say it is over.
 and i hope he will try to do what Roosevelt,Gorbachev could not.end the nuclear threat to the world.and find lasting peace both here and abroad.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

torture...the bad dream

 The use of torture by any nation should be considered  barbaric.many studies have found that you do not really get any useful information.instead,they tell you what you want to is soldier should ever go through this.
  W hen then president bush ok the use of torture he diminished Americas human rights standing all over the world.and i was encouraged to find leaders like john McCain speaking out against it.but,the president allowed it to me,the use of torture is and should be considered a war crime.if a U.S. soldier was tortured,we would charge that a war crime had occurred.we can not have it both ways.this is one reason i oppose the republican party.they rubber stamped the presidents bill to do this.and then,he started using it on Americans.he went and kidnapped foreign citizens which is also considered a war crime.this is disturbing.but,almost predictable.a far right president,with a far right congress that rubber stamped everything.he had no checks on his power.and it showed.ANY OTHER PRESIDENT AT ANY OTHER TIME IF FOUND DOING THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN HAULED BEFORE CONGRESS,AND IMPEACHED FOR ABUSE OF POWER.AND THEN CHARGED WITH WAR CRIMES.but because he had a congress that did anything he wanted he got away with me the fact that Guantanamo still exist is a sign that the far right still have a lot of power.if we want o regain the moral high ground,Obama must close Guantanamo,and outlaw all torture.

Monday, January 7, 2013

why the U.S. is hated

 During bush speech in 2001 he said these people hared Americas freedoms.he was wrong.the U.S has squandered every opportunity to make the world safer.Truman dropped the nuclear bomb on japan to threaten the u.s.s.r. but it failed.the u.s invaded grenade,but it is relay unclear as why. what will history think of the u.s?will we as some republicans dream,be remembered as the great defender of human rights?or as some have charged ,will we be labeled ad tyrannical dictators who used proxy wars to get oil,and natural resources?this has troubled me.for i was born in the u.s.a,and i am proud of America.but,its leaders lack any foresight.and have routinely used third world nations,and have bloody hands.the 2001 bombing by osama Ben laden was a war crime.but America did exactly what he wanted.under then president bush,we invaded Afghanistan,brushed aside attempts by Russia to help us,and then,in a serious misstep,invaded Iraq.we had no real reason.Iraq had done nothing to us.but ,bush did.and in doing so proved to the Arab world,osama was correct.when i heard and seen 9/11,i told everyone the last thing we should do was throw around our military weight,this should be a job for the CIA.but,look what happened.and end the end,it was a small covert group who caught osama.just like i said it would be
  I f we want to be the great defender of freedom,we should never back a government that is cruel to its people.friendly or not.we should not go to war just because the corporate powers need their natural reasorces.we should try to raise up the common man.we should see everyone as having value.we should make a new bill of rights saying a person should be able to live in a modest house,and be free from hunger and disease.but,corporate America,and its republican base will never allow this.we are a new type of communism,where the rich have all power,and the common man is suppressed.we do not have freedom of the press.we do not have freedom of speech.we saw this under bush where protesters were put by police force,into areas away from the president.ironic,his grand- father who helped the Nazis would have been proud of bushes patriot act.we need to look at every nation and say it is your sovereign territory.we have no right to attack ,our threaten .unless,we are under direct threat from you.until we do this.we will be attacked again.

Why Chrisitnity is losing its appeal.

 Why is Christianity losing its appeal?because the modern church has forgotten its the early years,christian churches were beacons of humanity.they took care of widows,and orphans.they feed the poor.and helped in the,some of the greatest churches ignore the crippling poverty around their own doors.the see poverty as as sigh of weakness and evil.they hide in their churches separated,from the world.they ignore the gulf between the rich and poor.they send money to other nations,but do nothing to help end the suffering of those surrounding them.they have strayed from what they were told to go into the wilderness and find the lost sheep.and they have allowed the money traders into the house of god.i have been to churches were the spirit of god have never been.where if a preacher preaches truth from the bible and offends someone,he is cast out.this is not a is a social club.until Christians do what they were taught to do in the bible.they are ignorant of Jesus and his teaching.