this is the question that needs to be asked,what if anything should be done to prevent this.and why did this happen in the first opinion,is that George Zimmerman was on a power kick.he had a history of harassing the kids in the neighborhood.i do not believe it was a hate crime.but,i will get to that.trayvon himself was innocent.people have blown the fact that Zimmerman followed trayvon out of proportion.yes,the dispatcher told him not to.but legally,it means long as he took no action,it is OK.but,the fact he did attack Zimmerman,gave Zimmerman the perfect excuses.morally,yes,Zimmerman is guilty.and yes,he should have gone to jail.but,the stand your ground law gives him immunity.lets say what really is at fault .gun laws that treat America as the ok corral.where we should all come out with guns blazing.these laws are silly,and they give nuts such as Zimmerman an excuse to kill.and. the sad fact is the NRA and republicans have been successful at passing these laws in almost every state.the other problem is this idea that whity is trying to keep minorities down.yes,there is a racist group of whites.but a majority are not and despise racism.just like there are racist blacks,Hispanics.these groups are good at stirring the pot.then,there are glory hounds.we all know them,the ones who only turn up at events guaranteed to be seen as racist.that way they get there ten minutes of fame.these people sicken me.because they have done this so much,even in cases where race played no part,that legitimate cases where they show up,are looked in a bad view.
now,to the doj hate crime investigation.....i do not see how they can do it.and truthfully,hate crimes in there prosecution are done racially.i can give you hundreds of times where a white child or man was killed and it was clearly racially motivated,but it never made world news,and it never had a doj hate crime intervention.the most famous was when a white boy was attacked,and set on fire by three black juveniles.while setting him on fire they yelled things like burn cracker,burn,this is clearly in bounds of a hate crime.when asked why,they said he had no business in the black neighborhood.even though he lived there.did Jessie Jackson go there and speak?no.did any other well known politician?no.did cnn do a 24 hour coverage for months?no.then there is people who think that whites never have been dealt injustice,well,there a case for you.they set the boy on fire,and basically got a slap on the wrist.if that boy had been black,Jessie Jackson would have been there,CNN,fox,msnbc would have demanded the heads of the want to stop the hate?stop allowing racial slurs in your not let your kids hear music that is racist.if you allow it,do not be surprised.