Monday, May 19, 2014

The case for the new evolving human-the man with a hive mind,and internet as a right.

 One only needs to look at the people around to understand,we have changed dramatically within the last two decades.when i was a teenager,we had no Internet,no i phones,etc...but now,everyone has some access to these type things.and it changed everything. we know can have the worlds knowledge at our finger tips.and we can use this to spread knowledge of amber alerts,danger,and of news.
  But we face a new danger....a fearful who does not want people to know.wants its secrets.i for one,know the governments need for security.but,people have the right to knowledge.and this supersedes the right to keep knowledge.we have because of the openness of the Internet become a more connected people.and we are learning things about ourselves and our world faster than ever.experiments have proven the we have no become inter woven with technology.and,thus,it should be considered a right.a right that companies should not be able to buy.i want to be able to see Friends videos.i want to be able to see others ideas and thoughts without paying more than what i currently do.i know at&t is stopping unlimited Internet.i think this is an outrage.and should be stopped.
 Congress is ready to give these big multi national companies free reign over the Internet.i think we as a society need to let them know we will not pay for an Internet that is for the rich,and only for big business's.
 In the near future,we will have a society that is completely dependent on the internet.our kids will have homework that is on the web,our finance ,our lives will be on,do we really want Comcast,at&t to have complete control?