Today i saw a post about the IS.then i saw a opinion saying we need to bomb all of them.but here is the truth
The Islamic State is a symptom of a culture being turned into a bunch of pre -historic barbarians.....we can bomb them,destroy this radical group,but then what?there will be another one ...and it will be even more barbaric,evil.this is not because of the west.this is because of Islam being hijacked by states.being twisted into a cult that only worships blood.IS version of Islam is not is hate for hates sake.kill and be glorified.kill your fellow Muslim brothers.and you will be rewarded.this kind of preaching in the middle east is not has been at work in Palestine,the west bank for decades.but,now,the genie is out of control.they states that sponsored it no longer can control the monster they created.and now they want the United States to do the dirty job of crushing it.well... the humanitarian in me says yes.we should.but the logical part say no.not unless Iran,Saudi Arabia helps.they created this,they fund this,they should be held accountable with blood.. not us.
But,of course they will not.if they admit this by putting troops on the ground,they will be seen for what they are... but,what if we can not on our own,which it looks like we are,control this beast?it will be them that gets consumed.maybe they should stop.and start teaching real Islam again.then they know it is there duty to help there fellow Muslim brothers..... not ours alone.