Thursday, December 28, 2017

the tale of darkness part 1

  Twas in the days of evil had descended on the lands.there were shadowy figures everywhere. even though the people stood up against this darkness... they were not strong the kingdom, after kingdom, this cancer spread.for many had prejudice and anger over the last ruler.he was different than the rulers of, the new ruler in obsession is erasing all that he had does not matter if what he did helped this kingdom.all that matters is that he was different.the tyrant and his minions only goal are to punish all that he stood for and all that supported him.he held a deep hatred towards those he deemed different.and so did his minions. he gained power by aligning himself with darkness.with an evil enemy of all who craves freedom.when his minions could not get elected, he used minions in a high ranking post to invalidate their election and put his cronies in.
  those who spoke against him he would call liars.and if someone told the truth about him and showed facts, he called it fake.he knew his minions would believe him no matter what he said or did.even when he hurt them.the more he hurt them, the more they hated people that were different.he blamed them... told his minions they were the blame for the terrible plight they were in. they are the ones causing things to be so hard.he proposed building his great wall... to keep those who were different out of the lands. but in reality was to keep people in. he was going to undermine everything the kingdom stood for.