Saturday, May 27, 2017

Being Strong

     Many of my real friends will tell you nothing will bring me down.i had two back surgeries...and one of my friends the day after started joking around,but the said a little thing like a surgery will never bring a mountain down.i have to be strong.there is no one else in my family that really can.i must endure the  pain of my mom and my dad......people think of me a the fortress....but no one knows what it means to be that for everyone around you. it means when your heart breaks in silence...a silence so loud so powerful,that the world itself should means i have done what others would not...and seen things others could not bare.
     i had to watch as my grand mother took her last breath...and as my grandfather took his...then recently....i had to watch as my father slipped away...if a soul breaking could be heard....the entire  town would have been erased...i loved my father whole....unconditionally...he was my hero...he was what made me was him breaking when i was young that shaped the iron at my one seemed to one stood there for him... his family did not care what he and my mother went through.all was bright sunny days for them.but i saw him when he broke.and it literally destroyed my then..i realized i had to be stronger than the mountain,stronger than the strongest metal.for his sake,for mom sake...and slowly i did.
   my father worked with steel.i was so proud.i never really told him.i only got to tell him it was ok ,go home.i am trying to mend and reforge that which is broken...and be stronger for my mom who is dying.some people said some cruel things while my dad lied dying...but they will feel my vengeance.but for now....i have one reason to be...i promise i made to my grandfather and to my watch over my mom. and i will....then,then...this fortress that has with stood so many storms,so many attacks...can return to its maker.

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