Thursday, December 28, 2017

the tale of darkness part 1

  Twas in the days of evil had descended on the lands.there were shadowy figures everywhere. even though the people stood up against this darkness... they were not strong the kingdom, after kingdom, this cancer spread.for many had prejudice and anger over the last ruler.he was different than the rulers of, the new ruler in obsession is erasing all that he had does not matter if what he did helped this kingdom.all that matters is that he was different.the tyrant and his minions only goal are to punish all that he stood for and all that supported him.he held a deep hatred towards those he deemed different.and so did his minions. he gained power by aligning himself with darkness.with an evil enemy of all who craves freedom.when his minions could not get elected, he used minions in a high ranking post to invalidate their election and put his cronies in.
  those who spoke against him he would call liars.and if someone told the truth about him and showed facts, he called it fake.he knew his minions would believe him no matter what he said or did.even when he hurt them.the more he hurt them, the more they hated people that were different.he blamed them... told his minions they were the blame for the terrible plight they were in. they are the ones causing things to be so hard.he proposed building his great wall... to keep those who were different out of the lands. but in reality was to keep people in. he was going to undermine everything the kingdom stood for.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Being Strong

     Many of my real friends will tell you nothing will bring me down.i had two back surgeries...and one of my friends the day after started joking around,but the said a little thing like a surgery will never bring a mountain down.i have to be strong.there is no one else in my family that really can.i must endure the  pain of my mom and my dad......people think of me a the fortress....but no one knows what it means to be that for everyone around you. it means when your heart breaks in silence...a silence so loud so powerful,that the world itself should means i have done what others would not...and seen things others could not bare.
     i had to watch as my grand mother took her last breath...and as my grandfather took his...then recently....i had to watch as my father slipped away...if a soul breaking could be heard....the entire  town would have been erased...i loved my father whole....unconditionally...he was my hero...he was what made me was him breaking when i was young that shaped the iron at my one seemed to one stood there for him... his family did not care what he and my mother went through.all was bright sunny days for them.but i saw him when he broke.and it literally destroyed my then..i realized i had to be stronger than the mountain,stronger than the strongest metal.for his sake,for mom sake...and slowly i did.
   my father worked with steel.i was so proud.i never really told him.i only got to tell him it was ok ,go home.i am trying to mend and reforge that which is broken...and be stronger for my mom who is dying.some people said some cruel things while my dad lied dying...but they will feel my vengeance.but for now....i have one reason to be...i promise i made to my grandfather and to my watch over my mom. and i will....then,then...this fortress that has with stood so many storms,so many attacks...can return to its maker.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Islamic State-What we need to think about.

 Today i saw a post about the IS.then i saw a opinion saying we need to bomb all of them.but here is the truth
 The Islamic State is a symptom of a culture being turned into  a bunch of pre -historic barbarians.....we can bomb them,destroy this radical group,but then what?there will be another one ...and it will be even more barbaric,evil.this is not because of the west.this is because of Islam being hijacked by states.being twisted into a cult that only worships blood.IS version of Islam is not is hate for hates sake.kill and be glorified.kill your fellow Muslim brothers.and you will be rewarded.this kind of preaching in the middle east is not has been at work in Palestine,the west bank for decades.but,now,the genie is out of control.they states that sponsored it no longer can control the monster they created.and now they want the United States to do the dirty job of crushing it.well... the humanitarian in me says yes.we should.but the logical part say no.not unless Iran,Saudi Arabia helps.they created this,they fund this,they should be held accountable with blood.. not us.
 But,of course they will not.if they admit this by putting troops on the ground,they will be seen for what they are... but,what if we can not on our own,which it looks like we are,control this beast?it will be them that gets consumed.maybe they should stop.and start teaching real Islam again.then they know it is there duty to help there fellow Muslim brothers..... not ours alone.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

We siad never again.....

 After the horror of world war 2 was brought to life ,the world gasped.then we held those responsible for the atrocities up and put them on trial.then those found guilty were put to death.then,the world collectively said never again.
  But,how quick we forgotten.look at history since then....the killing Fields ,Rwanda,Bosnia.....they all were the same,nothing was Rwanda,the rivers and lakes ran red with blood. nothing was done.then came the Sudan....nothing has changed.we still do nothing.we are allowing mass executions in Iraq..allowing a group to say join our brand of religion or die.we do,we decide to send in air strikes....this will not stop a group bent on the genocide of entire regions.we have a responsibility ....NEVER AGAIN...what good is a country if they could do something to stop a modern holocaust and decide to do nothing....
  NEVER AGAIN....the Jews said...they got there own country...and were attacked instantly by the entire middle,Hamas continues this attack everyday.but we punish the Jews....not Hamas...i for one will pull my money out of any company that speaks out against has an absolute right to defend its people from constant attack.the u.s defended itself,Russia defends why is it when Israel does it it is different?here is why .....anti Semites.they want all Jews dead.just like Hamas,just like Hitler.
 The Palestinians want a state.the Palestinians have a state,why not treat them like any other?they are breaking the peace.they are attacking a sovereign state.they are using terrorism to attack there neighbors.why not treat them as you would anyone else.if they attack someone whom is not attacking them,put in economic sanctions,political sanctions.....the leadership of Hamas live like billionaires.they do not care for the people of Gaza....and people who think different are ignorant to the reality of the situation.
 If we truly mean never again...we must stand up against Hamas,Isis and say you will never get recognition if you use violence against anyone.and if you commit genocide we will come after you.this is it,no more...NEVER AGAIN.

Friday, August 1, 2014


 once again the Hamas government broke a humanitarian cease fire....a hour and a half after it was started.the capture of an Israeli solider after the agreement shows Hamas has no intentions of also shows they have no care for the well being of the people of Gaza.the fact is this....they think that by capturing the solider they are gaining a way to get hundreds of there fellow terrorist friends back....but the truth is there is no longer any will to do any trades in Israel....and this will only escalate the war.the fact Hamas believes this will help it shows just how far from reality they are....this will make the humanitarian crises worse,because Israel will not listen to anyone about a humanitarian crises.and why should it?every time it stops,Hamas attacks....and this is only causing more deaths in gaza.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

what happened to the christian nation?

 we all hear the u.s is a christian nation....but how? we have homeless people some veterans we treat worse than animals.some cities have made it illegal to be,there is the way our society treats people with disabilities.we love watching them get beat on you tube.i can not even think this would be allowed twenty years ago.and then,there the thing of a woman beating another woman in front of her baby.i know that would never happened twenty years ago,someone would have stepped in.but now when something happens do we call for help?no,we get out our phones and record it.i think there should be laws made that if you record a crime and post it on you tube you should be held as an accomplice.because you saying its ok for people to do this sick,depraved things.a cop rescuing a woman trapped in a burning car could not get anyone to stop recording long enough to help.people like this are not human.they have no conscious.and should be put somewhere.

Monday, June 16, 2014


 We here in the united states seem ti have a very short memory.we invaded Iraq,destroyed its military.then,we allowed a dictator take control,and left.we did not help the Kurd,the sonnies or Shiites.we have sat back and not done anything about the Syrian civil war.and now,now,we act surprised that a terrorist group called Isis has taken control and are basically trying to commit genocide.we now are saying we might commit to airstrikes.....really?that will not help regardless what some say.we are telling Iran to stay out....but they are already in what are we going to do?if we are smart we will get fully involved...yes,i do not like the idea...but,we need to talk to Iran,maybe get them involved.but above all,we need to help.