Friday, May 31, 2013

why we must go into space now

 with storms becoming more and more violate,and the rise of carbon monoxide in the air at historic can see earth is changing.the climate has changed.we may be in the beginning of a vast climate change that will push humanity like never before.and our only solution may be to start really getting serious about space.we may not be able to go to another solar system,but we can manage a space station.and we may need to begin to build several massive space stations.i am not saying this is the end.because i think we are a long way from it.but,this way if we are wrong,and the earth takes a more dramatic shift then we predict.we should also remember the asteroid that hit Russia.we must start thinking of our species long term survival.start a colony on the moon.start one on mars.that in itself ups the chances that if some great disaster hits,some of us will survive.
   we can always say this may not happen for millions of years,but,what if it happens today,tomorrow?we keep pushing things off.we still have people who loudly say climate change is a fairy tale.and yet,every scientist knows it has already begun.we have a government that is rolling back environmental laws.we need to start taking care of our home.clean up the rivers,lakes,oceans.and try to stop the co2 levels from getting higher.they are now at a level where no humans have ever been before.and it will have an affect world wide.we can no longer see this as a American,or European ,Asian is the world`s problem.

Friday, May 10, 2013

austerity and why it is destroying the euro zone.

 Austerity sounds good.cut back some government services to reduce the debt.but,like the republicans in america.europian leaders forgot one thing....increase revenues.all they did was slash,and slash.the result..a disaster of epic poportions.europe is in the grip of a humanitarian nightmare..high unemployment,proverty levels the highest since world war 2.and it is getting worse.they insatutionalized idea of cutting government sevice has created a nightmaare.job creation is staginat.and some members of the euro zone are flirting with leaving the euro zone.many blame germany .and this could ,turn into an ugly scene.there are no easy answers.but some say a socialist europe may spring out of this.imagine,a free europe killed because of the old odea of bringing back the glory of rome.
  this story has some good points for can not keep cutting back on government.those who think we can need to take a hard look a failed.we are still creating jobs.why?we took the opposite approach.we did cut government spending.but we also raised taxes.wither you like it or not,a government needs to spend money to help create jobs.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

raising wages,outsourcing ,and the real price we pay

 the other day,i participated  in an long conversation about these is what i told them....# raising minimum wages does not mean extra money in the pocket of the workers.a good analogy is someone on ssi .every year the u.s government raises their checks to adjust for soon as the percentage is announced,prices for essential goods jump by that and an extra,overall,the effect stays negative.we over the last couple of decades have raised the wages several times.and yet,the effect for workers has been negative.
   # 2 outsourcing.outsourcing is sending jobs overseas.the excuse used is it is cheaper.but,this in fact is an illusion.and wages are not the only reason why a company would do this.there are many ,of course is can hire people overseas for a lot less.but,with import taxes,fuel cost,and the risk of a horrible accident.this is actually the end it will cost more. another reason.and one of the most selfish,to avoid environmental the U.S we have laws to protect the environment  from a company realizing tons of toxic wast into our streams and air.overseas,very few nations have these laws.there is an American company in Mexico ,just a couple of miles from the u.s. border,that has been realizing toxins into the much so that the near by town is considered toxic.people get sick.but,hey ,its ok.but,sooner or later,the people get tired of this pollution.and the government,like china,India.makes laws to govern this.
 # 3 and this is by far the worst.....they move there to avoid worker safety can run a sweat shop,or work your workers for 72 hrs,locked in where they can not leave.or work them and cheat them on overtime.this type became clear with the apple circus.and with the factory collapse in Bangladeshi.but,this also can end up hurting these companies.when people find out this well known company did this,some refuse to buy their product.and the company suffers.
  but here is my view... a company that outsources is helping destroy the country that made them.fewer jobs mean a smaller tax base.this translates into a smaller military,less money for schools,hospitals,and fire,police.we have had several-jobless recoveries.that has lead to a growing unemployment problem in the double digits.this has lead to a section of the American population that lives like they are in a third worlds society.the old barons re-invested in America.they saw it as their civic's barons,have no allegiance to America.the old barons paid taxes in the 75% rate,they did not they belly ache  over everything.i see these companies and wall street as being anti America.