Wednesday, October 30, 2013

our world

  it entered my mind this morning that everything about our civilization is an illusion.don`t believe it?think.poverty only exist because of greed.homelessness,hunger all are brought about by greed.and yet,we claim in our golden temples to believe in a god of love and compassion..but in some sense,that is an illusion.look...the Jewish religion gave birth to Christianity,Islam,and yet,they in some sects,refuse to acknowledge it.why?we owe our very lives to people who have come and gone,but we think that we are somehow in control of our destiny.and some say if you work hard,you will be rewarded.however in my 41 years,i have never seen people who actually do hard work get rewarded in any way.why?we think our way is the best,it is,if your rich.if not,it is the poor are demonized on tv,radio,churches,and especially political parties.why?most of our country now is considered poor.and fact is,you,yes you,fall into that category.if not,good for you.and we say love thy family.but far to often,we do not care.we drop our parents in human warehouses known as nursing homes.and kids have no real parents.we need to change our society .put value back on humans,not some useless piece of paper.after all,humans will disappear.we are so quick to go for the easy way,never looking what we have done to those around us.our world is sick.and we need to work together to change it.

Monday, October 21, 2013

why ted cruz is playing with fire

 we know ted Cruz is happy with the government shutdown.and we know a lot of radical tea party members wish it would have caused a default.but,i do not think he understands what is going to happen if he continues his game of chicken.#1 we will lose our credit rating...this will have the effect of making credit harder to get.meaning people will spend less.and small business will fold.#2 it will immediately cause the debt to dramatically go,his idea that he is being responsible is stupid.#3 the value of the dollar will fall.#4the combination of all this,will cause a massive job loss in America.
    For a politician to stand up and do this is paramount to treason.and the only reason the tea party exist is racism and the wealthy.they are pissed a so called black man is in the white house,and the wealthy have successfully convinced Americans that they are poor.i have never seen such lies embraced by people in my life.i believe the tea party actually wants the U.S. to fail.that way,they can blame Obama,and in there dream replace our government with a dictatorship that will be a whites only,puppet of the rich.i also believe that when this happens,the tea party ,or should i say the new confederate party,will get the civil war they want.

Monday, September 30, 2013

the gop and the need to get the spotlight.

  the gop has done more to damage the U.S. than any terrorist.they caused us to lose our credit rating,they have set back for six years and did noting.they have this we are being disrespected....i remember newt doing this and being viewed as spoiled baby....which brings me to my point.THE GOP HAS BECOME A PARTY OF SPOILED ADULT BABIES.if they do not get what they want,we will shut the government down,to hell with what it does to the economy,or to the security of the U.S.they are like toddlers.they never want tot do anything except what makes them feel has been the gop that has done this,they did it before to bill Clinton,for the same reason,we are going to have it our way,or we will hurt America.if the president did this,he would be impeached,and they tired.....and why is it they are using obamacare as an excuse?because they are afraid,very afraid.they are scared it will work,and once in effect will drive cost down.if it was not that,they would allow it to be implemented,and ride the anger to the white house and a majority.but no,spoiled baby wants it their way.their rich friends who but them all these gifts are mad because they might half to do something.when,they get through destroying America,i hope they are happy,and i hop all the fools that keep them in office get what they want a king.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

threats to shut the government down.

 so,here we are was not enough to the gop or the tea party we lost our credit they are threatening to shut the government down.i would like to remind them,this did not go well for them the last time.people are tired of you holding this country hostage because you want to billionaire friends to have an easier is plain to see all the gop care about is the rich.they have even said that.they said they do not care for 47% of this country.well,they do not care for you either.boehner sits their like a dictator and has made sure congress has not done anything for going on 6 years.this is a travesty to the American people and to America`s you serve your country or do you serve the multi national trillion dollar companies?oh,wait you already answered that.i ask my fellow Americans to hold these power hungry jack asses responsible for the destruction of this country.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

a call to the children of abraham.and to my fellow christians.

 look around you.the world has become so greedy.we are like children,we scream mine,mine.without regard to the person next to us.we exclude rather than include.because they are different.they may not talk like me,look like me,or pray like me.and it is a sad state.we all,Christians,Jews,Muslim,are children of Abraham.and look what we have done.we have allow wounds caused by men of hatred to become festering boils that poison.all religions teach tolerance,but yet,there is none.why?where did we go astray?when did we allow ourselves to be guided by wolves?and when will we wake up and see this is not what god intended?we use religion as a weapon against each other,and to demonize those less fortunate.corruption within the church has forever destroyed its mission.and in Jewish,Muslim they have allowed scourers of death,hatred to take the wheel.
   i am a believer of Jesus.but i am not blind.i have watched the damage by wolves allowed to walk with the sheep.and corruption shake the foundations.but what is worse is the church has lost its no longer helps the ones who are in desperate the beginning,the church would help did not matter if they were christian,Jewish or Muslim.they would help all.they helped the old,the infirm,the widows.because this is what they were instructed to,if you are not in good standing,they ignore you.look at some of the greatest churches,and in their shadow will be desperate families who need help.but,because they are not members,they are do you do gods work when you ignore you fellow human?
 our country is being destroyed by power hungry rats.they do not care for the fellow people.this country became great by a contract between men of money and the workers,if you work hard ,i will pay you a livable wage,and give you opportunity to get a better,many businesses have totally broke that contract.and because of that you see the decline of Americans living standards.and this is also because these companies broke another unwritten contract...because i was born here,educated here,i will make sure most of my work is done here.but,that has gone.greed.
 so,to my fellow brother or sister of Abraham,look is our leaders who are tearing the fabric of are the answer.learn to be blind to race,color,ethnicity,and religion.remember our god commands compassion.

Monday, August 26, 2013

syria....why should we get involved

 i have seen a lot of bull on the internet saying we should not get involved in Syria.well,think.if we do not stand against this then what is the use of any western power having a military?the world should be outraged when a leader of a country launches a poison gas attack against his own people.we should immediately demand he step down and be tried as a war criminal.this should not be allowed by the west or the east.anyone who allows it is barbaric.this man did this,killing thousands.and now one million children are refugees.and this war will spread even if we do nothing.because that is what Syria leaders want.we allowed Rwanda.and i am still ashamed we did nothing.we should not even consider standing by and allowing this to go UN answered.and i if i could would ask Russia to put pressure on Syria to stop and its leaders to leave.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Crises in Egypt

 What has been happening in Egypt is horrible.the deaths over the last few days is inexcusable.the fact that the government there is trying to silence a opposing party should send chills down anyone who cherishes democracy.yes,the Muslim brotherhood was in effect trying to create a dictatorship.yes,the people in that country protested and demanded the new Pharaoh as he called himself to step down.and,in a way,the military was doing what the people wanted.but,for them to go and decide a political party that has a good following in egypt is now an illegal party is doing exactly what the former government did.and is a violation of the people`s wishes.the military should not attack unarmed protesters.
  I know that the people in Egypt are like me....if your not Egyptian you have no businesses putting your views in our politics.and i agree.every nation has sovereignty.but,i see bloodshed like this and i can not help but feel sorrow for those people.the proud people of Egypt being torn apart by politics.and by outside forces.and i agree with the U.S.government.we should not get involved.we should not view one group as better than the other.but,we also should not stand by and say nothing when protesters are gunned down for speaking out.we should not be helping what is looking more and more like a military coup.we should be quietly telling those on power to listen to the will of the people.and stop the blood shed.set a date for elections.and allow all parties.if the military wants to do something,help restore the law.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Trayvon Martin legacy.

 this is the question that needs to be asked,what if anything should be done to prevent this.and why did this happen in the first opinion,is that George Zimmerman was on a power kick.he had a history of harassing the kids in the neighborhood.i do not believe it was a hate crime.but,i will get to that.trayvon himself was innocent.people have blown the fact that Zimmerman followed trayvon out of proportion.yes,the dispatcher told him not to.but legally,it means long as he took no action,it is OK.but,the fact he did attack Zimmerman,gave Zimmerman the perfect excuses.morally,yes,Zimmerman is guilty.and yes,he should have gone to jail.but,the stand your ground law gives him immunity.lets say what really is at fault .gun laws that treat America as the ok corral.where we should all come out with guns blazing.these laws are silly,and they give nuts such as Zimmerman an excuse to kill.and. the sad fact is the NRA and republicans have been successful at passing these laws in almost every state.the other problem is this idea that whity is trying to keep minorities down.yes,there is a racist group of whites.but a majority are not and despise racism.just like there are racist blacks,Hispanics.these groups are good at stirring the pot.then,there are glory hounds.we all know them,the ones who only turn up at events guaranteed to be seen as racist.that way they get there ten minutes of fame.these people sicken me.because they have done this so much,even in cases where race played no part,that legitimate cases where they show up,are looked in a bad view.
   now,to the doj hate crime investigation.....i do not see how they can do it.and truthfully,hate crimes in there prosecution are done racially.i can give you hundreds of times where a white child or man was killed and it was clearly racially motivated,but it never made world news,and it never had a doj hate crime intervention.the most famous was when a white boy was attacked,and set on fire by three black juveniles.while setting him on fire they yelled things like burn cracker,burn,this is clearly in bounds of a hate crime.when asked why,they said he had no business in the black neighborhood.even though  he lived there.did Jessie Jackson go there and speak?no.did any other well known politician?no.did cnn do a 24 hour coverage for months?no.then there is people who think that whites never have been dealt injustice,well,there a case for you.they set the boy on fire,and basically got a slap  on the wrist.if that boy had been black,Jessie Jackson would have been there,CNN,fox,msnbc would have demanded the heads of the want to stop the hate?stop allowing racial slurs in your not let your kids hear music that is racist.if you allow it,do not be surprised.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

my take on autism and adam lanza.

 anyone who has asperger will have one or two feeling s about it.either it is a gift,or it is a curse.i have,in my extended family a couple of others who have autism.before i begin my deconstruction, i  want to say this....i find what Adam lanza did horrifying,evil.and i can not forgive him.he became evil.but as a person who has autism,i can see mirrored in what we now know of him,something vulnerable,scared.
 i can tell you when you reach 8 grade,and anyone else who has,it is a sea change.for some,coming up through this,they get stuck,for others it is a breeze.for me,having little exterior help to begin with,i never noticed.but,now i can almost see in him,some of my family who have autism.they hit the higher grades,everyone else they know has changed,but,they have not.and it is like trying to gain you breath underwater,but there is something keeping you from breaking through.he stuck his hand out for help,his family,tried to get help,but,as with so many who`s kids have autism  or aspergers no help was given.
 it is hard.your smart enough you have adapted to the world,learned this alien world`s rules,and laws,learned to speak .even to mimic it(and that what people with higher functioning do,they adapt learn mimic,they have a hard time really understanding) ,but not like others,who because there disability is so noticeable,they are helped.those enough clever enough to adapt,are left to our demise.for those,some will break through,as i did.,some will flounder in almost a child like state,and other,well,they go down a dark corner.usually into drugs.but to murder?i can not comprehend how.i know i at times wanted to hurt the "normal"kids who bullied me,but kill?it seems so alien.what happened?here is my insight.....he felt completely swallowed,he could no longer live up to what he though everyone fact,because of his problems,he had hit his limit in adapting to our normal world....he panicked,no help was given.but,as i have stated,he is not alone,millions of families with autistic children will tell you they get thrown under the bus around this help,no way to help there child adapt and move,when he changed to killer,i lose all sense of pity for him,he deserves none.the lesson shoud be we need to help this kids.learn the transition from child,teenager to adult.because we are losing some of the smartest people there is.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

the edward snowden saga

 He would have us to believe that he is a patriotic whistle blower.that he is trying to wake America up to what the government is doing.but,this is the problem.....if he is a whistle blower,why did he not stay anonymous and leave to the u.k?why fly to Chinese hong Kong?he went there,and anyone with any brains knows that china wanted information for him to stay.then,he went to Russia,and once again,he had to talk to the Russian government.this means he is making a tour of every freedom hating country .why?he wants us to think he is a champion of freedom,and yet,he is staying in some of the worst human rights nations.and wiki leaks has lost credibility as well.he wants to go to Ecuador,the puppet state of he is going to every American hating country.and he is helping them by giving them propaganda.and,he wants me to think he is a patriot..he is not.he is a communist spy.and as far as china crying about us hacking into their computers,boo-hoo.they have done the same,so has what.nothing this whistle blower has said is has been on PBS,tlc.and if you though bush passed a bill making the national intelligence agency and it would not be spying on you,wake up. EDWARD SNOWDEN IS NO PATRIOT,HE IS NO WHISTLE BLOWER.HE IS NOT A MARTYR OF FREEDOM.HE IS A COMMUNIST SPY PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

the life of hardship

 I have said many times only by the grace of god am i here,i have said many times if you had walked in my shoes you would be i will tell you.....
........where to begin,well my mom was the daughter of a protestant preacher,and his wife was assembly of god.he stood in judgement,and she used mom was one of six.there life was one of hardships, mom left home when she was 16.she said it was because of the way she thought  her brother was being done.she met a man in Arizona.this man would become a terror.he was married,but somehow he married my mom at the same mother did not know he was married.he bear her,stomped her.when she would escape,her dad would call this man and tell him where she was.and so she was beaten more.she had three kids by him.she escaped,when the first was born.a group in Texas helped her.and she helped them by telling her story.her story was put in a news paper,it was called Susan and her unborn was  a big deal told of her husbands abuse,infidelity.but,it also led to her "husband "finding her.he nearly killed her.she became pregnant with their second child,a girl.he had one of his friends lock her in a phyc ward.claiming she was having a false pregnancy and she was acting out.they fell for it until a doctor checked her and heard the baby`s heart.he told the man"either she has two hearts or she is pregnant."and but her in a hospital..they turned her out,he took her and dumped her out in a bad part of mom said she went and talked to an old black woman,and then hitchhiked to her dads.upon arriving at her dads,she was allowed to stay...but after a day or so her dad jumped on her cussing ...she left.the same christian group helped her.then her dad told her husband where she was,he found her,beat her,and took her to his wife's home.there he beat her some more. a few months later,my sister was born.she was the smallest baby born at that time that was not premature.she was ok except she was mom had no where to go.he kicked her out,beat her.she walked up one side of the road,then the other to get a ride back to her dads.then,her dad would call her husband,and he would get her.she then became pregnant with this mans third child.she refused to put him as this child dad.when she did not do it ,he beat her took her to a hotel,and beat her,drug her across the floor until her skin peeled off her back,hit her head so hard she though he was going to kill her.she waited until he left,then got the clerk to call the police.they arrested him,and took her and her kids to a place and had guards watch for her husband.the judge got her in touch with her dad.he came and took her to where the had moved to in Mississippi.then,he told her husband where she was.he came and took my oldest brother and my sister,but because my mom had not put him as my other brothers father,he could not take him.
    she fought to get custody,but he had moved,changed his and the kids name.and had his friends protect mom meet my the time,he worked putting up fences. she and him would go out and his mom would tell her,i know you two went and got married behind my back,but,it had not mom became pregnant.she was on the pill,she went and the doctor insisted she was not pregnant and continue taking the mom though,knew she was pregnant.she quit the pill,a week later,my brother was born,in her pajamas.she went to the hospital,and while they were arguing on how to get paid,something happened,and he mom was in agony.she cried all night.and when they buried him,she one was there except my dad and dad got a job as a welder.soon i was born.
 i was born on a mom said she was so surprised that i had long black hair like my brother who died.i will not lie and say my dad was perfect.he was`t he terrorized us when we were small.we moved around a lot.but,my mom would cook meals for some of the less fortunate people in our neighborhood.she helped others by keeping their kids.i also will not say my mom was perfect.she  seemed to be more less least towards me.but,i was the quiet child.i did well in was not till later she found out i was autistic.but,she did well,i could write,talk,etc.then,our world took a noise dad was nearly killed at the steel plant.he stayed in the hospital for months.we had no food, mom worked,but she barely got enough.we ended up living on a farm.then,we moved back to my home town.then at age 12,i  was nearly killed while playing ball with my brother.i was hit by the bat witch has broken into,and hit me,impelling me in the neck.i stopped breathing,and was unconscious.she drove me to the hospital,while holding me and keeping a towel across my neck.i got lucky.the hospital was on alert for a trauma victim,they took me in looked at me sewed me up,and yes,believe it or not,sent me home.for weeks,i was i guess,unconscious.and when i did come to,i could not sit up .my mom took me back,and they found out i had caught a strip infection.they sent me back home.i slowly got to where i could talk.then i got my strength back.and i went back to school,with a gauze wrap around my neck.later,i found out my accident had broken two vertebrae in my was amazing that i had survived.during this time,i had to go hungry.......and my parents were in and out of mental brother stayed with my grandparents,but,none of them wanted had to eat out of dumpsters behind wiin dixie.i had to get clothes out of dumpsters.i got no help from any church,and church group.we got no food stamps,,walk in these shoes,and see if you find mercy for was hard,but i am taught me what happiness is.and what being a christian really is not about big mega churches with is about love,compassion.and mercy.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

autism,a blessing and a curse.

 i am now 40,and the terrifying though occurred to me.for one,i am almost totally alone.beyond my mother and father,there are few people who care to even get to know parents health is failing,and my mom keeps this i wished i had known,and i would have done different ,thing.i always come to tears.not because i wanted anything different,but because of the way she tells my story.i have never considered myself any different.i just could not make friends.that`s not unusual.i have trouble with some people who would get mad and threaten me because i would not talk,problem is i usually do not talk to people i do not know.i am a high functioning autistic,considered by the physiological community to be very intelligent.i learned how to use a computer and the internet without any help.i can repair electronics,some say i am a wiz and fixing things.i planted a flower garden when my mom heath began to fail.everyone say to her it is beautiful.i tried to get jobs,but,somehow,i never clicked.but,i have worked.mainly with people who do small repair,or for one summer,demolition.i have a knack for it.and i worked landscaping.i always gave my mom all my money and told her she could have it.i never knew what to get .and i hate stores,to crowded,to loud,and to bright.i have always had some thing to do.that is,till i had an accident and messed my back up.then for a while,i had have bed rest after my back surgery.i tried working to get money again...only to injure my back and need have done all that is asked,but ,i am worried...i do not know if i could live through my mother or father dying.they have both been close to death...and while they were away,all i did was keep from breaking completely one came to see me,no one called.this is what i feared,alone, think someone with autism would love that,but parents life is long as hear it,i am fine.but when it stops,i can not function.and i am scared .will them dying  mean soon after i will die?

Friday, May 31, 2013

why we must go into space now

 with storms becoming more and more violate,and the rise of carbon monoxide in the air at historic can see earth is changing.the climate has changed.we may be in the beginning of a vast climate change that will push humanity like never before.and our only solution may be to start really getting serious about space.we may not be able to go to another solar system,but we can manage a space station.and we may need to begin to build several massive space stations.i am not saying this is the end.because i think we are a long way from it.but,this way if we are wrong,and the earth takes a more dramatic shift then we predict.we should also remember the asteroid that hit Russia.we must start thinking of our species long term survival.start a colony on the moon.start one on mars.that in itself ups the chances that if some great disaster hits,some of us will survive.
   we can always say this may not happen for millions of years,but,what if it happens today,tomorrow?we keep pushing things off.we still have people who loudly say climate change is a fairy tale.and yet,every scientist knows it has already begun.we have a government that is rolling back environmental laws.we need to start taking care of our home.clean up the rivers,lakes,oceans.and try to stop the co2 levels from getting higher.they are now at a level where no humans have ever been before.and it will have an affect world wide.we can no longer see this as a American,or European ,Asian is the world`s problem.

Friday, May 10, 2013

austerity and why it is destroying the euro zone.

 Austerity sounds good.cut back some government services to reduce the debt.but,like the republicans in america.europian leaders forgot one thing....increase revenues.all they did was slash,and slash.the result..a disaster of epic poportions.europe is in the grip of a humanitarian nightmare..high unemployment,proverty levels the highest since world war 2.and it is getting worse.they insatutionalized idea of cutting government sevice has created a nightmaare.job creation is staginat.and some members of the euro zone are flirting with leaving the euro zone.many blame germany .and this could ,turn into an ugly scene.there are no easy answers.but some say a socialist europe may spring out of this.imagine,a free europe killed because of the old odea of bringing back the glory of rome.
  this story has some good points for can not keep cutting back on government.those who think we can need to take a hard look a failed.we are still creating jobs.why?we took the opposite approach.we did cut government spending.but we also raised taxes.wither you like it or not,a government needs to spend money to help create jobs.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

raising wages,outsourcing ,and the real price we pay

 the other day,i participated  in an long conversation about these is what i told them....# raising minimum wages does not mean extra money in the pocket of the workers.a good analogy is someone on ssi .every year the u.s government raises their checks to adjust for soon as the percentage is announced,prices for essential goods jump by that and an extra,overall,the effect stays negative.we over the last couple of decades have raised the wages several times.and yet,the effect for workers has been negative.
   # 2 outsourcing.outsourcing is sending jobs overseas.the excuse used is it is cheaper.but,this in fact is an illusion.and wages are not the only reason why a company would do this.there are many ,of course is can hire people overseas for a lot less.but,with import taxes,fuel cost,and the risk of a horrible accident.this is actually the end it will cost more. another reason.and one of the most selfish,to avoid environmental the U.S we have laws to protect the environment  from a company realizing tons of toxic wast into our streams and air.overseas,very few nations have these laws.there is an American company in Mexico ,just a couple of miles from the u.s. border,that has been realizing toxins into the much so that the near by town is considered toxic.people get sick.but,hey ,its ok.but,sooner or later,the people get tired of this pollution.and the government,like china,India.makes laws to govern this.
 # 3 and this is by far the worst.....they move there to avoid worker safety can run a sweat shop,or work your workers for 72 hrs,locked in where they can not leave.or work them and cheat them on overtime.this type became clear with the apple circus.and with the factory collapse in Bangladeshi.but,this also can end up hurting these companies.when people find out this well known company did this,some refuse to buy their product.and the company suffers.
  but here is my view... a company that outsources is helping destroy the country that made them.fewer jobs mean a smaller tax base.this translates into a smaller military,less money for schools,hospitals,and fire,police.we have had several-jobless recoveries.that has lead to a growing unemployment problem in the double digits.this has lead to a section of the American population that lives like they are in a third worlds society.the old barons re-invested in America.they saw it as their civic's barons,have no allegiance to America.the old barons paid taxes in the 75% rate,they did not they belly ache  over everything.i see these companies and wall street as being anti America.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

new reactionary calls by the gop.

 this week has been a bad one for everyone here in the u.s .first there was the Boston marathon bombing,then,the idiot sending Racine to the president.and the west Texas plant explosion.but,what i have expressed fear about may be coming the floor gop leaders have called for increased surveillance of Muslims.this to me is another case of reactionary ,and short-sighted calls that will only make this country worse.if they succeed,then they will,by their actions,cause Muslims to become radical.which will lead to other stronger reactionary laws.i for one ,would like to see them try the Boston bomber in federal show we have not become a nation of reactionary,irrational people.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


  i have read many stories from people with autism.and it has helped me so much.i was diagnosed,but for some reason,my parents did not know till i was in my mid  teens. although my IQ is high i also have other learning disabilities.i have helped others,by writing about my past.usually on the experience project site.the feed back was great.i have been told that i have opened the eyes of many a parent.i am happy to have done a little to help some other parents never got anyone to help or give insight into me.i loved being alone,and yet i wanted to be near my was strange.i was quiet.but then,i just had an outburst,i never really could put a finger on why.even as a teenager,i did not like when i was completely alone,i panicked.what is funny is how people would try to scare me only to get a blank stare.i did the repeater thingy,the ability to mock someone greatest talent is i can look at something a figure out how to fix it usually with out ever have had any training .but,music was what set me free.i loved it.i did not care for tv.the one thing that drove me mad was a lot of a dog barking,a loud tv,and cars blowing .when all that got together,i could not think,and if i was at home,i would go hide in my bedroom.i also had a habit of not talking at all around people whom were not family.and i stayed near my mom when around strangers i did not know.when my mom finally was told i had autism.she cried.she said it all made sense.but,by then,i was somewhat able to come out of my shell.even now,though,i still do some of these things.the doctor told her i was the same as i was when i was small,and i would be the same as i am when i am old.well,he was wrong.i have managed to get out of my safety net.but,i still have lots of trouble.but,if you have a child with autism,do not give up.and no,doctors are not always wright.

Monday, February 11, 2013

the chris dorner saga

 the whole California state is a buzz.this man,a former lapd officer,former military man,killed three.there are some on Facebook who side with this man.many point to the lapd past and that he may have been framed.but,here is a better point.even if that is true,he is nothing more than a cold blooded killer.he did what he did,not to a lapd officer,not to the ones he blames ended his career,but innocent,i no longer care one way or the other wither he is innocent or guilty.for he is guilty of killing three people in cold blood.he does not deserve your celebrity prayers.he needs to find justice with a bullet in his have justice denied just like those he killed.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

growing up poor in mississippi

 since January is national poverty awareness month.i decided to tell my tell.i can say it was the most scaring thing,and what gave me the strength i have mom and dad both dad was a chief welder at a steel plant.he was proud,so was i.we were not rich,but no where near poor.then,one day we went to pick him up from work.only to be told he was in the hospital.they never told us what happened.we went there   and they told us he would probably be dead by morning.but he lived.we found out a jack hole came to work drunk.he flipped the wrong switch and my dad trying to save another guy,got caught between two steel beams.the result.he had internal injuries,crushed spine,pelvis,spleen..the damn plant fired him when he did not show up for work the next work day.yeah,you heard me,they fired him for not being at work even though he left from there in an ambulance and unconscious there we mom`s job paid next to nothing.then my dad`s insurance quit paying.then,we were kicked out.we found another house,but then,my mom was laid off.we could not pay rent.we barely had money for lights and water.i ate out of a dumpster.i became an outcast.the treated my family as though we had committed a dad did not drink,my mom did not drink.and neither were on drugs.but ,that is the way people thought.i usually ate one meal at school,came home,did homework,and off to bed.i never had a birthday party after the age of 8.i never had a Christmas after 8.during summer breaks,i would only eat one meal.i had no friends .the house was cold during winter.i stayed mom got a job,but little pay.then,after 4 years,the insurance and the company settled,or we did.we were starved into a settlement.we got next to nothing.after medical.and we owed everyone dad could no longer then came the fight for his disability.another 4 year battle.during which i had a accident.and because my family had no insurance,they did the old in and out.the accident has left me disabled.but,i guess them making a dollar was more important.i will not say it was all bad.i learned a strength that most will never know.i learned happiness is not in what you own.but ,i also learned the cruel coldness of people.and i learned just because someone says they are christian,does not mean they are.i am haunted by a dream that never came many said i was the smartest kid they had ever teached .but ,what good did it do.i never had a chance.

Friday, January 18, 2013

the rise of terrorism

 the cold war can almost be looked back with a certain nostalgia.the world was controlled by the fact the U.S or U.S.S.R would tell others to stop and they would.but after the fall of the soviet union,look.we now have a much more unstable world.and the rise of terrorist.Russia never liked never sponsored it.but,this is now norm.osama ben laden ,al queda,Hezbollah.we all know them.but they are not liked as much as we in the west think.the people in the west bank do not like  Hezbollah,they hate them.every time Hezbollah decides it wants to attack isreal,the people in the west bank pay for it.Hezbollah is a dictatorship in the worst possible way.they kill their own people , terrorize there own people.and the people of the west bank can not do anything to stop them.and if anyone go to stop them,Hezbollah hides among the people of the west bank.
  then there is al queda.for years osama ranted against America.then he attacked America on 9/11.but what he did caused the death of thousands.and he caused the destruction of two Islamic nations.but like Hezbollah,he had the nerve to claim he somehow won.of,course,he knew he was never in any real danger.he had money,he could get away.he had a personal army to protect him.but even with help from people i certain governments,he ended up dead.they want to be seen as heroic fighters.i can not see them that way.he hid himself away while telling others to kill themselves.he was a coward.any one can hide and say we should do this.but,i respect leaders who put themselves in danger.terrorist leaders have really never done this.they a more less like cartels.the leaders,overlaid in money hide away where they will more likely be unhurt,tell whatever person they can get to do something they will be remembered,they get killed,or put away.but the leaders,they do not care.and that's why,they end up dead.because the only real change comes when people want it.not individuals.not ex-princes like osama.not street gangs like Hezbollah who are funded by people in foreign nations.the people who live in those nations must want it.terrorist we fade away.and will be remembered as cold blooded mass murderers.

Monday, January 14, 2013

a true look about u.s history

 I decided to take a real and unbiased look.and what i found is disturbing.we have become an almost socialist nation.between the office of homeland security having the right to break my constitutional right to privacy .and the right to intrude in my talks,life.the government spends almost as much on breaking my rights as it does invading other countries.and how?by blowing the threat of a terrorist  attack into infinite proportions.we now find it ok that we are stripped in public at airports,our e-mails are read,all our phone calls are intercepted.George Washington would call for armed opposition.Benjamin Franklin would call for revolution.but,we sit here and think we are safe.nothing that homeland security does is really making us any safer.
  What is worse,one could make a direct comparison of the U.S with the fictional empire of star wars.we have gotten to where the value of our money,is no longer relevant.what is relevant,is the threat we will invade.we know are actively building up to fight with France in Malta.we are trying to get Iran.but,we are also slowly heading for a clash with china. the united states with bush abandoned inter nation law.and kidnaps foreign nationals.any other nation did this,we would invade them.what is up?i never though my country had become the evil empire.but,with what our government keeping its own kgb  watching us,and its ss keeping people from telling about war crimes committed.what has happened?
 So,we are at a crossroad will we become the empire,or will we step back and say enough?and return civilian civil rights,and international laws.we must stop getting involved in so called insurrections.we need to quit using our 700 drones to kill people and saying that its ok when they miss and kill innocent people.where does it end?in the star wars movies,a democratic society gave up all their rights with a thunderous that what has happened.and are we now on the road to becoming the evil all consuming empire?we need to step back,and take a long look at ourselves.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

A dream lost

 Franklin Roosevelt,Gorbachev,both dreamed of a world free of war.however, both of them lived to see it seems the powers that be love the idea of war.and this is true.look at it this in the U.S. we have a large military industrial complex.and members of congress who have these bases want to keep them.these bases bring in huge amounts of money to their cities, there is a big incentive to keep them.but,we are no longer threatened by any real threat.Gorbachev, realized the U.S.S.R was spending to much of its resources on a military that consumed to,he withdrew from foreign countries.the U.S even after this monumental occurrence,kept spending,and even increased its military.i was extremely sad when Gorbachev tried and failed to get then president Regan to commit to not reduction,but the total annihilation of the nuclear threat that hung over the world.just think,a world without nuclear weapons.
    After the break up of the Soviet Union,the United States foolishly began trooping around the world invading nations.the once benign country many people around the world looked up and dream about became in a lot of ways a imperial invaded Grenada,panama,Somalia,serba,Iran,Afghanistan.And whats worse,when osama ben laden attacked the U.S on 9/11 instead of allowing nations such as Russia to help,which might have went a long way to heal their damaged relations,they brushed them off.and went straight into a blind bare aggression.bush put it bluntly you are either with us or against us.imagine what nations must have thought.he then,justifiable to many went after osama in Afghanistan.but,he then,to the horror of most of the world,invaded Iraq.this,caused the somewhat warming towards the U.S to ice over.the short sightedness of bush,and his ,messiah attitude did more than any other president to hurt Americas standing in the world.he also in the end,did just what osama wanted,he proved the u.s to be an aggressive nation.bush went into a darkness,breaking international law by allowing torture,and unashamedly using all out brute force.
   Obama election was seen here and the rest of the world as America snapping out of its rage,but Obama has yet to close Guantanamo.and until recently,has yet to pull out of Afghanistan.bush  idea of a war on terror in theory could go on forever.i hope,and pray Obama has the back bone to say it is over.
 and i hope he will try to do what Roosevelt,Gorbachev could not.end the nuclear threat to the world.and find lasting peace both here and abroad.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

torture...the bad dream

 The use of torture by any nation should be considered  barbaric.many studies have found that you do not really get any useful information.instead,they tell you what you want to is soldier should ever go through this.
  W hen then president bush ok the use of torture he diminished Americas human rights standing all over the world.and i was encouraged to find leaders like john McCain speaking out against it.but,the president allowed it to me,the use of torture is and should be considered a war crime.if a U.S. soldier was tortured,we would charge that a war crime had occurred.we can not have it both ways.this is one reason i oppose the republican party.they rubber stamped the presidents bill to do this.and then,he started using it on Americans.he went and kidnapped foreign citizens which is also considered a war crime.this is disturbing.but,almost predictable.a far right president,with a far right congress that rubber stamped everything.he had no checks on his power.and it showed.ANY OTHER PRESIDENT AT ANY OTHER TIME IF FOUND DOING THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN HAULED BEFORE CONGRESS,AND IMPEACHED FOR ABUSE OF POWER.AND THEN CHARGED WITH WAR CRIMES.but because he had a congress that did anything he wanted he got away with me the fact that Guantanamo still exist is a sign that the far right still have a lot of power.if we want o regain the moral high ground,Obama must close Guantanamo,and outlaw all torture.

Monday, January 7, 2013

why the U.S. is hated

 During bush speech in 2001 he said these people hared Americas freedoms.he was wrong.the U.S has squandered every opportunity to make the world safer.Truman dropped the nuclear bomb on japan to threaten the u.s.s.r. but it failed.the u.s invaded grenade,but it is relay unclear as why. what will history think of the u.s?will we as some republicans dream,be remembered as the great defender of human rights?or as some have charged ,will we be labeled ad tyrannical dictators who used proxy wars to get oil,and natural resources?this has troubled me.for i was born in the u.s.a,and i am proud of America.but,its leaders lack any foresight.and have routinely used third world nations,and have bloody hands.the 2001 bombing by osama Ben laden was a war crime.but America did exactly what he wanted.under then president bush,we invaded Afghanistan,brushed aside attempts by Russia to help us,and then,in a serious misstep,invaded Iraq.we had no real reason.Iraq had done nothing to us.but ,bush did.and in doing so proved to the Arab world,osama was correct.when i heard and seen 9/11,i told everyone the last thing we should do was throw around our military weight,this should be a job for the CIA.but,look what happened.and end the end,it was a small covert group who caught osama.just like i said it would be
  I f we want to be the great defender of freedom,we should never back a government that is cruel to its people.friendly or not.we should not go to war just because the corporate powers need their natural reasorces.we should try to raise up the common man.we should see everyone as having value.we should make a new bill of rights saying a person should be able to live in a modest house,and be free from hunger and disease.but,corporate America,and its republican base will never allow this.we are a new type of communism,where the rich have all power,and the common man is suppressed.we do not have freedom of the press.we do not have freedom of speech.we saw this under bush where protesters were put by police force,into areas away from the president.ironic,his grand- father who helped the Nazis would have been proud of bushes patriot act.we need to look at every nation and say it is your sovereign territory.we have no right to attack ,our threaten .unless,we are under direct threat from you.until we do this.we will be attacked again.

Why Chrisitnity is losing its appeal.

 Why is Christianity losing its appeal?because the modern church has forgotten its the early years,christian churches were beacons of humanity.they took care of widows,and orphans.they feed the poor.and helped in the,some of the greatest churches ignore the crippling poverty around their own doors.the see poverty as as sigh of weakness and evil.they hide in their churches separated,from the world.they ignore the gulf between the rich and poor.they send money to other nations,but do nothing to help end the suffering of those surrounding them.they have strayed from what they were told to go into the wilderness and find the lost sheep.and they have allowed the money traders into the house of god.i have been to churches were the spirit of god have never been.where if a preacher preaches truth from the bible and offends someone,he is cast out.this is not a is a social club.until Christians do what they were taught to do in the bible.they are ignorant of Jesus and his teaching.